Design for Chunks
Forcefeed Swede
Computer Arts 149
Originally an idea by graphic design studio Forcefeed Swede, I stumbled upon Design for Chunks by browsing through Forcefeed Swede's website, which was mentioned in Issue 149 of Communicaiton Arts. The site's striking color and retro illustrations are a perfect complement to the tongue-in-cheek copy and subject matter. It's purpose is to house an online gallery of custom-designed air-sickness bags designed by up-and-coming young designers. The site eventually came to the attention of Virgin Atlantic, who commissioned 20 designs and printed them on 500,000 sickbags over a period of 6 months.
The logo and illustrations look like they're right out of an '80s safety manual. Flash animation is used throughout the site minimally and to great effect. It has a simple, clear navigation system, but throws in some surprise links to keep us on our toes. The sick-bag themselves are also nothing to barf at. The ones in the archives tend to be funnier and edgier, so they are worth taking a peek at.
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