In this day and age when branding is ubiquitous, you'd think that our presidential candidates would put a little more thought into how they package their image into a logo. Every nuance, line, and joke that issues forth from their mouths is subject to endless analysis from the media, but the graphics they choose as visual shorthand for whom they are seldom get any scrutiny. The two notable exceptions are the remaining candidates. I think Obama has the best presidential logo I have ever seen. The round, geometric O depicts a sunrise against a blue sky. The stripes evoke a landscape that leads off into a hopeful tomorrow. It is sunny, contemporary, and hopeful, while the clean, well-kerned serif font beneath (Gotham) is more traditional and inspires confidence with its mixture of upper nd lower case caps.

John McCain, on the other hand, chose Optima for his logo. The typeface is blunt, ugly, and to the point, much like the persona he projects. It is no cincidence that the font used is the one in which names are written at the Vietnam Memorial. This, plus the naval star remind us of his military experience.