EnBw SpamrecyclerCommunication Arts Interactive 13
Paul Fleig/Stefan Walz, creative directors
Paul Fleig, writer
Joerg DiTerlizzi/Marko Ritter, programmers
Fabian Buergy, graphic designer
Fabian Roser, 3-D designer
Christine Seelig, project manager
Jung von Matt, project design and development/client
Don't know what to do with all the junk in your spam folder? Why, recycle it, of course! Send your spam to the EnBw Spamercycler. The site uses Flash 8 programming with PHP scripts (or binary voodoo, as i like to call it), and voila. Instant art. The design team has this to say about the process:
The algorithms of the Recycler are taken from collider experiments in modern physics and a new render engine which creates JPEGs out of Flash (this one ticked-us-off for weeks). The process breaks-down the spam mail into its very particles and accelerates them. Every particle leaves a characteristic trace depending on its individual kinetic energy.
Like I said, binary voodoo. In case you were wondering, here's how my turned out: